Nuno Martins is an architect since 1990 who finished a PhD in Architecture in 2012 in Portugal, after a first stage of the PhD in Barcelona, in the Urbanism department of The University Politecnica de Catalunya. Affiliated to the CIAUD , Research Centre of Architecture, Urbanism and Design, at the of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon where he coordinates a five-year funded action & research project in humanitarian architecture, risk and resilience, with a particular focus on post-disaster recovery and slum upgrading environments. Has published more than thirty books, chapters, and papers and lectured Sustainable Architecture and Eco-Urbanism and conducted Design Studios in several countries: Portugal, England, Swissland, Turkey, Brazil,  Check Republique and Mexico. Currently, he is working in the reconstruction process after the devastating bushfires in the centre region of Portugal for the NGO Building 4Humanity and is a visiting a professor at the University Beira Interior, a public institution, in the North of Portugal. This is his sixth participation att the ISDRS conference, fourth-time co-chairing the tracks dedicated to architects, designers, and urban planners.
